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184 Main Collins Street | West victoria 8007

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Home is where the story begins

For the past 14 years, Jim and Karen Reilly have been building exceptional homes in and around Darien CT. Their experience and expertise have produced a loyal following of proud homeowners, repeat clients and referrals.

Their team of skilled tradesmen has been with them from the start. Each home is built with care by expert hands. Their trademarks are premier materials, state-of-the-art building practices, and operating with the highest level of integrity and civility.

Karen and Jim met while attending Syracuse University. She was focused on communications and design, he on environmental science and sustainable practices. Fast forward 30 years, and this partnership remains a creative marriage of complementary talents and interests.

 Jim: “My dad was a successful builder and I worked in the family business throughout the Northeast for close to 20 years before Karen and I decided to go out on our own. We very intentionally decided to base our business in Darien. My life and my work are fully integrated in this beautiful town we call home. This is where we wanted to live, spend time on the water, build our own home and most importantly, raise our family.”

Karen: “My world is visual – design, art, fashion, beauty, travel. I see the detail, the elements that separate the distinctive from the ordinary. My experience at Conde Nast and art institutions, combined with the practicalities of managing a hectic household with three kids, allows me a valuable perspective when creating a beautiful yet highly functional home.”

If you are interested in knowing more about this extraordinary team and the homes they build, please be in touch. Connect here.